Athletic Sponsorships

Want to sponsor Celtic Athletics?

Sponsors are vital to the health and vigor of our athletic program. Whether you are new to Celtic Athletics or interested in renewing a previous sponsorship, please download the Athletic Association Sponsorship form, complete, and submit to Coach Mike Young or Mrs. Vicki Dubie with payment or use the online portal to pay by credit card.

Athletic Sponsorship Payment

  • Please note that camera-ready advertising is required for program ads, field signs, etc.

Questions? Call Coach Young at 622-9025 ext. 2103 or Mrs. Dubie at ext. 2101.

 Celtic Football

To sponsor ONLY Celtic Football please complete the Football Sponsor form and submit to Coach John Brantley. Contact by emailing or use the online portal to pay by credit card.

Football Sponsorship Payment

Thank you for your support of Celtic Athletics!