Campus Ministry


The Campus Ministry Program provides students with opportunities to discover God, raking crew
as well as their own giftedness, through prayer and other spiritual exercises. These
exercises include:

▪    retreats
▪    service programs
▪    liturgies
▪    prayer services
▪    adoration of the blessed sacrament
▪    student support groups
▪    and training workshops


A TCHS Retreat is grounded in the truth of the Trinity of our loving God:
  • The Father – who imparts to us wisdom and knowledge of the way of truth by serving as our #1 teacher
  • The Son – whose ministry and active service in the world changed the hearts of those whom He touched
  • The Holy Spirit – who imparts daily grace to us so that we act as church in the world.
Three essential elements – head (wisdom), heart (will), and hands (action), are symbolized in the Trinity and these are the pillars of the Trinity Retreat.
Written on our peer ministry shirts is this mission – “to Know, to Trust, and to Act.” We will be changing minds, hearts, and hands.
Program consists of:
  • Peer Witness talks
  • Small group discussion
  • Prayer
  • Community-building activities